You seem to be facing insurmountable problems. Don't despair, change your approach and the solution quickly becomes clear. Don't be afraid to ask for advice. Your personal life is rather erratic, with unexpected twists and turns needing to be dealt with calmly. Relax more, take a break from responsibilities, enjoy some 'me' time or a relaxing soak in the bath.
Second Decanate September 4 to September 13 Embrace ChangeTry to join a class to learn something new, then you can show your sociability, and any people you meet are likely to remain good friends. Improvement in your physical well-being has positive effects on the way you feel, and you make every effort to keep up a good health regime and pay attention to your diet
Third Decanate September 14 to September 23 Effortless SuccessYou are capable and accomplished at whatever task you choose to undertake, working efficiently, you are happy to take on more and help others. You do this in such a way that people are only too pleased to share in your achievements and are unlikely to feel any jealousy or resentment towards you.